Python Modules

SolarEdge Interface #

SolarEdgeAPI #

All API calls return a response object with request and response attributes that are likely helpful to the developer.

  • cookies - any cookies set by the server in the response
  • elapsed - time elapsed, taken from the Python-requests module Response attribute
  • headers - response headers, taken from the Python-requests module Response attribute
  • request - the Python-requests request object which contains the attributes for the http-request etc.
  • status_code - the response http status code.
  • text - the raw text response from the server.
  • data - the parsed out from JSON contained in the text attribute.
  • pandas - a Pandas DataFrame representation of the data after a data-flattening procedure.
  • url - the request URL used.


Python 3.8.5 (default, Jul 28 2020, 12:59:40) 
[GCC 9.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from solaredge_interface.api.SolarEdgeAPI import SolarEdgeAPI
>>> api = SolarEdgeAPI(api_key='XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', datetime_response=True, pandas_response=True)
>>> response = api.get_site_current_power_flow(1234567)
>>> response.status_code
>>> response.url
{'siteCurrentPowerFlow': {'updateRefreshRate': 3, 'unit': 'kW', 'connections': [{'from': 'GRID', 'to': 'Load'}], 'GRID': {'status': 'Active', 'currentPower': 0.7}, 'LOAD': {'status': 'Active', 'currentPower': 0.7}, 'PV': {'status': 'Idle', 'currentPower': 0.0}}}

Refer to the SolarEdgeAPI documentation for further detail.

SolarEdgeInterfaceException #

Use SolarEdgeInterfaceException to catch exception thrown by the SolarEdgeAPI