
SolarEdge Interface #

Command Line Usage #

solaredge-interface #

user@computer:~$ solaredge-interface --help
Usage: solaredge-interface [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  The solaredge-interface provides a command-line interface to interact with
  the Python SolarEdgeAPI module which itself calls the SolarEdge public API
  endpoints at making it even easier to
  access your data from SolarEdge.

  Configuration can be achieved through command arguments, environment
  values or config file.

  Documentation available

  -c, --config TEXT       Override default config ~/.solaredge-interface
  -f, --format TEXT       Output format; csv, json, pandas (default: json)
  -v, --verbose           Verbose logging messages (debug level).
  -q, --quiet             Quiet mode, with priority over --verbose
  -W, --disable-warnings  Disable Python warnings.
  --version               Show the version and exit.
  --help                  Show this message and exit.

  accounts                     Get the accessible >sub< accounts.
  site_current_power_flow      Current power flow between all elements of...
  site_data_period             Sites(s) start_date and end_date of...
  site_details                 Get site details; name, location, status,...
  site_energy                  Site(s) energy measurements
  site_energy_details          Detailed site energy measurements from meters
  site_environmental_benefits  Environmental benefits based on site energy...
  site_equipment_change_log    Equipment component replacements ordered by...
  site_equipment_data          Get specific inverter data for a given...
  site_equipment_sensors       Sensors in the site and connections
  site_inventory               Inventory of SolarEdge equipment at the site
  site_meters                  Meter lifetime energy, metadata and...
  site_overview                Sites(s) overview data
  site_power                   Site(s) power measurements
  site_power_details           Detailed site power measurements from meters
  site_storage_data            Detailed storage information from batteries
  site_time_frame_energy       Site(s) total energy produced for a given...
  sites                        Get the list of accessible sites
  version_current              Current version in <major.minor.revision>...
  version_supported            Supported version numbers in...

solaredge-interface accounts #

user@computer:~$ solaredge-interface accounts --help
Usage: solaredge-interface accounts [OPTIONS]

  Get the accessible >sub< accounts.

  NB: the response from this endpoint returns a "Not authorized" message if
  there are no sub-accounts assigned.

  --size INTEGER         The maximum number of accounts returned by this call
  --start_index INTEGER  The first account index to be returned in the results
  --search_text TEXT     The search text for accounts
  --sort_property TEXT   A sorting option based on one of its properties
  --sort_order TEXT      Sort order for the sort property
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

solaredge-interface <sub-command> #

Usage for all sub-commands can easily be obtained using the --help switch after the sub-command as shown in the accounts example above.